expanding access to local food

expanding access to local food ensures that everyone in the yampa valley eats local, nutritionally dense food.
local food for everyone
local food to community
Rose West is part of the Local Food to Community Initiative, run by Hunger Free Colorado and Nourish Colorado. These two non-profits have come together to help connect producers to institutional buyers. This effort came out of the Food Pantry Assistance Grant, now called the Community Food Grant, a program that distributes funds to food banks and pantries across the state to assist in local food procurement in underserved areas.
Meredith Rose is a Regional Food Coordinator for the Northwest corner of Colorado and as such, helps school districts purchase more local food in ways that make sense for school nutritional requirements, kitchen logistics, and for the producer.
Discounted CSA Boxes
New in 2024, I am now offering discounted CSA Boxes to make sure that local food has a broad reach. Would you like to receive discounted CSA Boxes? The total cost is $190 (+ tax and $25 delivery fee if applicable). Note that there are two discounted boxes available per season, and they are on a first-come, first-served basis via form submittal. You don’t have to prove eligibility or submit any documents.
Discounted boxes might be for you if you...
Are supporting children or have other dependents
Have significant debt
Have medical expenses not covered by insurance
Have tuition/educational expenses
Receive public assistance
Have immigration-related expenses
Are a senior citizen
Have health issues
local agency partners
Rose West works with local agencies such as Northwest Colorado Health, Community Agriculture Alliance, and LiftUp of Routt County to expand access to local food. It has been my pleasure to continue to work with these agencies through private and public funding. Such funding has allowed farmers and ranchers to donate product for the food pantries and increase their growing operations. It has also allowed participants of the Routt & Moffat County WIC program access to fresh vegetables throughout each summer.
If you would like to contribute to these efforts please reach out. Any donation is welcome.